VR Android

Sharks VR - Simulation VR Games Ocean underwater - VR Android

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Sharks VR

Simulation, VR, Games, Ocean, underwater

Sharks VR Description:
Cerca de los arrecifes coralinos del atolón Nuru-Haua inicias la inmersión hacia a la isla principal del atolón, pronto eres consciente de que la zona está infestada de tiburones... ¿Será suficiente tu habilidad natural para el buceo y tu experiencia entre escualos para cruzar el arrecife? ¿Habrá otros peligros que no esperas...? Near coral reefs of the atoll Nuru-Haua you start dipping into the main island of the atoll, soon you are aware that the area is infested with sharks ... Is it enough for your natural ability and your experience diving among sharks for cross the reef? Will there be other hazards you do not expect ...?

Sharks VR screenshot for Android
Sharks VR screenshot for Android
Sharks VR screenshot for Android
Sharks VR screenshot for Android
Sharks VR Require:
Require Android 4.0 and up
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